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Oct 2024


Unbelievably proud of all that challenged themselves to getting their ABRS (Association of British Riding Schools) qualifications in Stable Management and Equitation this summer. We had record numbers taking part and everyone did us proud!! Here is just a selection of those who took part. Congratulations Amelia, Leila, Ethan, Paige, Darcey, Eleanor and Lilymae. If anyone else that qualified would like their picture and name on the website please feel free to PM us! Or if you are interested in ABRS Tests have a chat to one of our staff. 


25th Jan 2024 


With heavy hearts we said goodbye to little Butler today. He was one of those one in a million kind souls, always up for a cuddle or to sit on your foot with an uncanny ability to know who had snacks. He was so so loved and he will be dreadfully missed.




















COVID -19 updates:



Thank you so much for all your patience, its been a nightmare starting again, due to unforeseen problems getting officials to confirm we were ok to trade. Thankfully after weeks of trying we are now ready to go!... we can take bookings from Tuesday and we look forward to seeing you all! We are very sorry it wasn't this weekend but what a glorious weekend it has been, complete with swallows! We have been busy behind the scenes easing the horses out of holiday mode. Happy Easter everyone. 




Just realised that its exactly two months since we went into lockdown three. Hope everyone is doing ok. Its hard to get motivated when we are all locked in but the thought of a little bit of horsey time soon will hopefully cheer you up. 




The sun is shining and we are racing towards the very best time of year for playing with horses!! All being well we are planning to open from the 29th of March. So start getting pony ready!! Stretch those tight muscles, gently begin to build riding fitness and if you have time dip into those pony books. If you want to start booking feel free to give us a ring!!! Picture of happy times in the fancy dress, can't wait to see you all again! 


















Sadly we are here again, for lockdown three! Although we do have some positive news. As some of you know, we have been struggling to renew our riding school licence because of everything going on and various lockdowns making communication and normal services difficult. Yesterday we had our inspection! We were really pleased how it went and thanks to everyones help and support everything went smoothly. Very much look forward to welcoming everyone back as soon as we can! 




We are now allowing some beginner/novices from 4th of July. This is according to government guidelines. However each individual will have specific needs which must be discussed when booking and therefore booking is essential. Places are still limited and we are working on a first come first served basis. We are doing everything we can to keep you all safe. We hope to see you soon!




Hope everyone is doing ok, so sorry to all those little ones and beginners that we have not been able to have back yet. Hopefully it won't be long! It has been really lovely to be back in action and to be giving lessons again to our more experienced clients. We have been really proud of all our riders and ponies who have bounced back with such vigour after lockdown. I think all the horses enjoyed the break. 




We are tentatively opening our gates again adhering strictly to government guidelines. Private lessons/hacks are going ahead which will obviously be an increase in price to our normal group prices. We are asking all individuals to keep their visiting times to a minimal so lesson/hack then going home again. Of course it goes without saying that if you develop any symptoms that you let us know and stay at home. We ask that you please wash your hands upon arrival and before you leave. We will be doing everything we can to keep you safe. Please don't turn up if you haven't booked.  We regret that at this time we will not be able to take beginners as they often require more one to one care and contact. Really look forward to seeing you and offering much needed pony time.




It is looking more and more likely that we will have to close entirely as we fall under the nonessential category. We are feeling incredibly sad at the moment. After such a long hard winter of rain and mud we were looking forward to lighter evenings and more sunshine. However, lets stay positive and hope that lots of good things will come out of all this and that we all manage to stay healthy and safe. 




Riding establishments have been advised by the Association of British Riding Schools not to take class lessons or group hacks/treks. 

There is still the possibility of private lessons provided the guidelines regarding hygiene and social distancing are met.

This however may well change if we go into total lockdown, which seems more and more likely. 

For obvious reasons this years Easter Egg Hunt will not be going ahead. 

We will try to give regular bulletins with regards the current situation, in the meantime stay safe and healthy everyone.




We are currently taking things day by day. 
As things stand and according to the Association of British Riding Schools, we can carry on for the moment, taking every precaution for biosecurity. 
Now the most important bit: If anyone or their family members or friends are displaying any symptoms as per NHS guidelines, we would ask you to stay at home, please. 

We also request clients to wash their hands thoroughly before entering the yard, before eating, after eating, and before they leave. 
Regarding lessons, we will only be outside, and lessons will carry on (this weekend at least), providing it's not raining.
However, we will postpone jumping for a while as a way of keeping risks down to a minimum. 
In these extraordinary times, it will be helpful if there is no cuddling, huddling - and yes, it's really hard - but leaving when the lesson is over, might also have its benefits for all.
Thank you for your understanding, and we hope you are all managing in these difficult times.





On a lighter note congratulations to Veronique, Nina, Kasey and Gabriel for passing their ABRS Progressive Riding Tests in Equitation and Stable management! Well done all!!!  


Photography by Tia Caitlin




by Kacey's mum


Beautiful Roxana starting her education June 2019. Photography by Jessica Mills


Gymkana Dressage and Showjumping May 2019


Everyone did an amazing job this year, we were so impressed how everyone has improved over the last year. Great job all!!

Tammy and Demelza doing an amazing job. Demelza's first ever time jowjumping and went clear!! Photography by Caitlyn Skye


Chloe and Gwyngala have come so far as a team, Gwyngala has not been easy but he is really starting to come into his own. Well done Chloe, you make a wonderful team! Photography by Caitlyn Skye

Wizzi and Westerly making a dream team! Photography by Caitlyn Skye 


Tia jumping Arthur and did an incredible job!Photography by Caitlyn Skye

LilyMay and Taz, Taz has still got it!! Photography by Caitlyn Skye


Jess and Eric showing Eric he can do it! Photography by Caitlyn Skye

Lorna and Dizzi showing how its done! Photography by Caitlyn Skye


Jess's life flashed in front of her eyes for this one, but boy did they do well! Elegantly pushed over by Tallulah McIntosh. Photography by Caitlyn Skye


Halstown Fete Fancy Dress Parade 2019


Gymkana Dressage and Showjumping Event May 2017


Just had a fantastic day with our Gymkhana, Dressage and Showjumping event for our regular riders today. Everyone did so well, lots of rosettes won and we managed to beat the rain. Congratulations on all that took part we are super proud of you!!!!

Halsetown Fete 2016

We were so impressed with all the effort and hard work that went into this years fancy dress parade. Huge congratulations to Jasmine who was the winner this year as The Queen of Hearts! Everyone looked brilliant but of course there could be only one winner. Big thank you to everyone that took part and helped out. Very proud of all the ponies who behaved fantastically surrounded by flags, children, tents, fete madness and costumes, little stars!! The weather could not have been better and we all had a right giggle. Well done! 

Happy Birthday Penhalwyn!!!!!


Penhalwyn celebrated its 37th year with a drink and a slice of cake! 

May 2016 Gymkhana, Dressage and Showjumping 

A great time was had by all for our May half term Gymkhana, Dressage and Showjumping event. For once the bank holiday weather was smiling on us and it proved to be a fabulous day full of rosettes and smiles. Well done to everyone who participated we are all incredibly proud of you all at Penhalwyn!! 

Lucy and Arthur May 2016 Showjumping the tripple 

May 2016 Showjumping Isabelle and Hummer

Lucy and Playboy May 2016 Dressage Test  

May 2016 Gymkhana giggles 

Squidge and Wizzi all smiles after winning their rosettes, fab day!! 

Spring 2015 rubber delivered and we all could not wait to muck in and get it laid having a giggle along the way!

August 2015 Tracey, Tammy, Laura, Tracey, Wizzie and Lucy all dressed up in their fantastic costumes from the 2015 Halsetown Carnival

Tallulah protending she did it all by her self!

Vaughan, Liz and Yvonne enjoying a three hour hack with a cheeky beer and slice of cake along the way!

Our beautiful countryside, two hour experienced hack

Jumping for joy, Lucy and Arthur showjumping

Cloud pulling silly faces!

August 2012 St Ives raft race, Tallulah and Tracey looking rather relaxed on their Penhalwyn raft!

2013 Summer Fun Day 

Gortherin looking very handsome in the bluebells 

Minstrel chilling in the sunshine

Tigerlilly looking beautiful in her summer coat

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