
Lessons: We offer lessons for all ages and abilities from four years upwards. Progressing from walking to trotting and later cantering and jumping, each individual develops at their own pace. Stable management is incorperated into some lessons and anyone over the age of eight is welcome to come early or stay late in order to find out more about looking after horses.
Private: We also offer Private Lessons for anyone who feels they would benefit from one to one tuition in flat work, jumping, lateral work and dressage, in hand and training the young horse.
Staying to Help: For anybody who wishes to stay it is under the strict understanding that they are there to help and train. First and foremost we are a business, and any sillyness is not tolerated and will result in them being sent home. Learning more about handling and working with horses is on the grounds that they are progressing towards their ABRS Stable Management and Equitation tests. However, we do encourage having fun and learning in a relaxed environment.
ABRS Test: All of our regular riders have the opportunity to take their ABRS tests. These tests are certified and recognised qualifications, covering Stable Managements, Equitation and Riding and Road Safety and can go up to Instructors level if they wish to do so.
Philosohphy: We have always believed in achieving balance and harmony, and learning to ride as quietly as possible. We do not permit kicking or use of spurs and the whip is closely monitered and only used as an extension of the arm or leg.